Northeastern USA Ozone Episode Day 2

Today is the second day of the first ozone episode for the northeastern United States for 2018.

Here’s the forecast map as of 8am this morning:  Code Orange predicted for parts of many states in the northeast.  Many states revise their forecast mid to late morning and again, as needed, in the afternoon.  See for updates.


Orange means “unhealthy for sensitive individuals”.  Who’s a sensitive individual? Go to link for more information.  Here’s some examples: asthmatics, children and construction workers.  Who would have thought construction workers would be considered a ‘sensitive population’!  Sensitive people include those who are exposed to more ozone because they breathe more air when they do heavy exertion.  So, construction workers, and other people who do heavy lifting, especially for long periods of time, are more likely to be affected by higher ozone concentrations than the general population.

Children with asthma can still go out and play on days like today, especially in the mid-morning when ozone is lower.  They should not try to set a running record – just take it a bit slower today.  Make sure your kids have an asthma plan and your kids and your school are ready to implement it if they have breathing difficulties.  Hydration and sunscreen are important for everyone.

Yesterday’s ozone data:


In Maine, our place of interest in yesterday’s post, the ozone peaked along the coast, instead of inland.  I don’t have all the reasons for this yet; ozone was increasing inland in New Hampshire, but it did not stay at Code Orange concentrations the rest of the afternoon, so the eight-hour average was at or below the 70ppb cutoff for an ozone advisory.  No Code Red, which would be unhealthy for everyone.






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